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Eco Friendly Umbrella Drying Stands

Eco Friendly Umbrella Drying Stands

Date Published: 24th Jun 2023

We are excited to introduce an innovative and environmentally friendly solution that will transform the way we tackle wet floors on rainy days - The Eco Umbrella Stand.

Not only do the Eco Umbrella Stands make umbrella drips a thing of the past, but they also do so in the most sustainable way possible. No more need for disposable plastic bags or energy-consuming electric heaters. Our umbrella stand uses simple yet effective microfibre technology to handle the job. All the water from your umbrella drains into an inbuilt container and can be used to water plants around the precinct.

How does it work?

Simply glide your wet umbrella along the inside of the stand, rubbing against the microfibre pads.

Once your umbrella feels dry, you're done! No more wet floors or disposable plastic bags!

By using the stands, you're making an eco-friendly decision that helps reduce waste and energy usage at Collins Square.

Remember, every drop of water saved and every single-use plastic bag avoided counts towards a sustainable future. Thank you for your support!